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2020/10/18 8:31:03发布126次查看
宣城聚硫建筑密封胶规范   131 6657 0832
​适用范围  本施工方案适用于建筑物及渠道伸缩缝的密封处理作业。
the construction scheme is applicable to the sealing operation of the expansion joint of buildings and channels.
三、双组份聚硫密封胶性能  双组份聚硫密封胶,外观为水状液体胶状物,能够在变形缝里流淌,比较稀,具有耐油、耐水、耐大气老化、耐紫外线、耐冲击、耐磨擦、耐高低温( -50 ℃ -120 ℃)无毒、无污染;属低模量,高伸长率等特点。双组份聚硫密封胶具有如下特性:
three, two-component polysulfide sealant properties of two-component polysulfide sealant, the appearance of water like liquid jelly, can flow in the deformation joints, relatively thin, with oil, water resistance, ageing resistance, uv resistance, impact resistance, abrasion resistance, high and low temperature (-50 deg -120 deg), no poison no pollution; low modulus and high elongation, etc.. two component polysulfide sealant has the following characteristics:
1, with good weather resistance, durability, long-term use does not produce cracks;
2, the sealing member has a fully stable adhesive and durable bonding, and has long-term bonding to water concrete;
3, the water vapor transmission rate is very low, two component polysulfide sealant has a very good waterproof function;
宣城聚硫建筑密封胶规范   131 6657 0832​

4. it is not affected by fungi, and has excellent resistance to fungi;
5、对密封构件不产生污染,无腐蚀,双组份聚硫密封胶对人体无害。 总之双组份聚硫密封胶适用于金属、混凝土幕墙接缝、地下工程(如隧道、洞涵)、水库、蓄水池等构筑物的防水密封,以及公路路面等伸缩缝的伸缩密封、建筑物裂缝的修补恢复密封。配合比:主剂(a):固化剂 (b)=100:10( 质量份,标准状态下),随季节、地域气温的变化。可用固化剂使用量的多少来调节适用期的长短,b 组份的变动范围在10-14 之间。夏天施工时,双组份聚硫建筑密封胶就凝固的时间就快一些,冬天施工时,凝固的就稍微慢一些。
5, no pollution to the sealing components, no corrosion, two component polysulfide sealant harmless to the human body. in two-component polysulfide sealant is suitable for metal and concrete wall joint, underground engineering (such as tunnel, dong han), reservoir, reservoir and other structures of waterproof sealing, and expansion joints of the highway pavement such as sealing, building repair cracks sealing recovery. mixing ratio: main agent (a): curing agent (b) =100:10 (mass fraction, standard state), with seasonal and regional temperature changes. the amount of curing agent can be used to adjust the length of the applicable period, b component of the range of change between 10-14. in the summer construction, the two component polysulfide building sealant solidified faster, and in winter construction, solidification is slightly slower.
four. construction method of two-component polysulfide sealant
宣城聚硫建筑密封胶规范   131 6657 0832​

1, the sealing surface treatment: waste residue after construction debris will be clean, and then dust blower will clean, if the surface wet dry after application of a wire brush again, to remove dust and cement debris falling after baking. to remove the greasy dirt and dust and other debris on the sticky surface, blow out the sundries with the blower, so that the coating surface is exposed to a strong structural layer, and the joint surface must be completely dry and clean. all dust on the surface must be cleaned and cleaned. must be absolutely guaranteed to be sticky surface drying, leveling, in order to prevent bonding bad. rust and protective paint on metal surface also need to be removed.
2, before the construction of the gap on both sides of the 1cm vertical tape 5cm wide, in order to prevent the construction of redundant polysulfide glue to the surface of the structure pollution. cleaning it with tape
3 、密封胶的配制:把1桶白色聚硫胶(a组份)与1袋黑色固化剂(b组份)充分搅拌均匀,直到无色差为止。混合比例 a:b=100:10~100:14(质量比), 将两个组份混合均匀,搅拌时间宜长不宜短,以免因搅拌不均匀造成局部固化不完全而达不到防水密封效果。混合时应防止气泡混入,配制好的双组份聚硫密封胶应在2小时内用完,否则慢慢增稠造成施工困难和降低性能。
3, sealant preparation: the 1 barrels of white polysulfide (a component) and 1 bags of black curing agent (b component) fully stirring until the color is not so far. mixing ratio a:b=100:10 ~ 100:14 (mass ratio), mixing the two components evenly, stirring time should be long, not short, so as not to cause uneven local solidification incomplete mixing, and can not reach the waterproof sealing effect. mixing should prevent bubbles mixing, the prepared two-component polysulfide sealant should be used up within 2 hours, otherwise slowly thickening, resulting in construction difficulties and reduce performance.
4 、涂双组份聚硫密封胶时,用灰刀或胶枪将配制好的密封胶在接缝两侧先涂抹一层,然后再将双组份聚硫密封胶嵌入缝道中间。操作时应尽量防止夹带气泡进入密封胶中。涂胶时,应该压实,填平密封处,防止气泡混入。
4. when coated with two-component polysulfide sealant, the sealant is coated with a layer of sealant with a gray knife or glue gun, and then the two component polysulfide sealant is inserted into the middle of the seam. during operation, the entrained air should be prevented from entering the sealant. when gluing, it should be compacted and sealed to prevent bubbles from mixing.
5, after the end of the construction, the crevice on both sides of the protective tape can be removed, 24 hours should avoid water rushing rain.
6、施工质量的检查: 密封胶施工完毕后应对接缝进行全面检查,如有漏刮、不平、下垂等应及时修补整齐。双组份聚硫密封胶表干时间为24小时,因此在双组份聚硫密封胶未充分固化前,要注意保护,防止雨水侵入而降低性能。
6, construction quality inspection: after the construction of sealant, should be comprehensive inspection of joints, such as leakage, uneven, sagging, etc. should be repaired in time. the dry time of two-component polysulfide sealant is 24 hours. therefore, before the two-component polysulfide sealant is not fully solidified, attention should be paid to the protection, to prevent the invasion of rainwater and reduce the performance.
unique properties and uses of two-component polysulfide sealant
a two-component polysulfide sealant mainly used in construction, municipal, subway, tunnel, airport runway, highway, bridge expansion project of seam, settlement joints deformation crack sealing seal, two-component polysulfide sealant is suitable for water, swimming pool, reservoir, dam, power plants, sewage treatment works and for drainage system engineering in all kinds of expansion joint leakage sealing seal.
​宣城聚硫建筑密封胶规范   131 6657 0832


中国 衡水


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