- 品牌:翔鹰技术
- 型号:GC7990
- 提供加工定制:是
- 测量范围:ppm
- 测量对象:焦炉煤气中萘含量
- 控温范围:400
- 功率:1800
- 尺寸:480
- 重量:40
because the coke oven gas of naphthalene is volatile andsublimation of physical properties, to make the naphthaleneanalysis the condition of sampling control of ammonia, hydrogensulfide gas and chemical composition analysis of sampling controlmore strictly. gas of naphthalene are greatly influenced byenvironmental temperature, the sampling in multiple link such as alink control is bad, the results of the analysis will appear largedeviation, make the naphthalene content analysis accuracy affectedby large, points.
toenhance the accuracy of determination of naphthalene content incoke oven gas, xiang ying eagle analysis technology co., ltd.using gc7990 gas chromatography determination of naphthalene in gassampling tube in the process of gas sampling, sampling temperature,sampling flow velocity, acid bottle water bath temperature control,sampling time and sampling cycle and other factors. through thecontrastive analysis of the different experimental conditions, thesampling process condition control has a great influence on theaccuracy of determination of naphthalene, and to improve thedetermination method. by using the improved analysis method fordetermination of naphthalene in actual data to the productionsystem of gas balance calculation, the calculation of basicbalance.